About Fine Point Communication

I have had a long and multifaceted career as a copy-editor, marketing copywriter, journalist, technical writer, essayist, and proofreader for international corporations, intergovernmental organizations, and publishers of scholarly journals. I have written extensively about the performing arts and culture. I have been a magazine editor and have edited books on topics ranging from ballet and spirituality to ERP software systems. And I have worked as a ghostwriter, although I can’t say for whom. [I also write extensively about the arts and have edited books ranging from ballet to spirituality.]

My work as the director of dance companies in German opera houses taught me to find creative solutions to unexpected problems, a skill I continue to apply. And believe me, once you have achieved a dancer’s drive and discipline, you never forget it.

I am an American who has lived in Europe since 1982. I speak fluent German and Danish and thrive in a multilingual, multicultural environment. I work in both UK and US English.

As an executive editor, he has worked for major Danish firms and international NGOs.

We create or improve text in a wide range of applications.


newsletters | magazines | annual reports | catalogues | books | academic manuscripts

Electronic media

websites | blogs | social media | company intranets


reports | correspondence | business plans | white papers | case studies | employee handbooks | training manuals | company histories | tenders and offers | grant applications | speeches and scripts

Marketing and advertising

advertising copy | marketing materials | brochures | sales letters | press releases | newsletters | product demonstrations | PowerPoint presentations

Technical writing

user guides | technical documentation | technical handbooks | user‐interface screen texts